Tennis Widgets Library


Latest version: 1.0.2

This document describes the sport-specific widget library, a collection of widgets easily integrated into a website or application to provide sport-related content and functionality. The library includes a variety of widgets, such as live score updates and match updates.

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. Installation
  3. Configuration
  4. Callbacks
  5. Examples

Getting Started

To begin using the Tennis Widget Library, make sure you use the correct library version.


To use the Tennis Single Event Widget on your website, include the following script in the <head> section of your site, replacing {version} with the appropriate version number:

  <!-- Include the JS file -->
    <script type="module" crossorigin src="{version}.js"></script>

By including this script, you can access the Tennis Single Event Widget, which can be customized and embedded within your site as needed.


The Tennis Single Event Widget can be configured using local and global properties. Local properties are set directly on the widget's HTML element using data- attributes, while global properties are set using JavaScript.

SDK Options

Set global properties using the LoadSmpWidget function. The sdkOptions object contains properties like dataConfigApiUrl, dataConfigApiKey, dataConfigProject, and other settings.

Below is an example of how to configure the Tennis Single Event Widget:

  sdkOptions: {
    dataConfigApiUrl: '',
    dataConfigApiKey: '',
    dataConfigProject: '',
    dataConfigOddClient: '',
    dataConfigTimezone: 'Europe/Sofia',
    dataConfigCompetitionList: '',
    dataConfigLang: 'en',
  widgetAttributes: {
  themes: {

This table provides a description of all sdkOptions properties for the Tennis Widget Library.

dataConfigApiUrlStringThe API URL for accessing the Tennis Widgets data. ( Please, contact our support for more information. )
dataConfigApiKeyStringYour API key for accessing the Widgets Library. ( Please, contact our support for more information. )
dataConfigProjectStringThe project identifier, typically representing the website or platform that the widget is being used on .( Please, contact our support for more information. )
dataConfigOddClientStringThe client identifier for the betting odds data. ( Please, contact our support for more information. )
dataConfigTimezoneStringThe timezone to be used for displaying time-related information in the widget (e.g., 'Europe/Sofia').
dataConfigCompetitionListStringThe list of competitions to be displayed in the widget. ( Please, contact our support for more information. )
dataConfigLangStringThe default language for the widget (e.g., 'en' for English).

Local Properties

Local properties are set on the widget's HTML element using data- attributes. These properties allow you to control the displayed information and the widget's appearance.

Single event widget


Livescore widget

data-widget-idStringUnique identifier for the widget.
data-match-idStringThe unique identifier (UUID) of the tennis match to be displayed.
data-widget-sportStringThe sport type for the widget. Set this to "tennis" for the Tennis Single Event Widget.
data-widget-typeStringThe type of widget. Set this to "event" for the Tennis Single Event Widget

Widget attributes

// 1. SDK options are 
  sdkOptions: {
  widgetAttributes: {
       'data-config-theme': 'light',
       'data-config-date': {"date": "2023-01-06", "dateFormat": "DD.MM.YYYY"} 
  themes: {
NameExample valueDescription
data-config-short-status-type "full_name" or "short_name"
data-config-date{"date": "2023-01-06", "dateFormat": "DD.MM.YYYY"}
data-config-odds { "bettingId": '43', "display": true, "preEventOnly": true, "marketValueType": "FRACTIONAL" }See Note 4 below
data-config-theme"light", "dark" or "client"
data-config-refresh-time“super_slow”See Note 1 below
data-config-entity-links{ "team": { "url": "<{teamId}>" }, "player": { "url": "<{playerId}>" } "competition": { url: "<{competitionId}>" }, "configuration": { "newWindow": true } }See Note 2 below
data-labels{ "all": "All Games", "popular": "Popular", "scheduled": "Upcoming", "live": "Live", "finished": "Finished", "no_matches": "There are no available games" } See Note 3 below

Note 1: Example Refresh times

  "super_fast" - 15 seconds
  "fast" - 30 seconds
  "medium" - 1 minute
  "slow" - 3 minutes
  "super_slow" - 10 minutes
  "never" - doesn’t refresh the data

Note 2: Example Entity links

    "team": {
      "url": "{teamId}"
    "player": {
      "url": "{playerId}"
    "competition": {
        url: "{competitionId}"
    "configuration": {
      "newWindow": true

Note 3: Example Livescore Data labels

    "all": "All Games",
    "popular": "Popular",
    "scheduled": "Upcoming",
    "live": "Live",
    "finished": "Finished",
    "no_matches": "There are no available games"

Note 4: Example Odds config

    "bettingId": '43',
    "display": true,
    "preEventOnly": true,
    "marketValueType": "FRACTIONAL"


  1. bettingLogo: This callback function is triggered when the 'bettingLogo' event occurs, typically when the betting logo is clicked. The function receives the data associated with the event and logs it to the console with the message "Click betting logo:".
   smpTennisWidgets.subscribe('bettingLogo', (data) => console.log('Click betting logo:', data));
  1. event: This callback function is triggered when the 'event' event occurs, usually when the event score is clicked. The function receives the data associated with the event and logs it to the console with the message "Click event score:".
smpTennisWidgets.subscribe('event', (data) => console.log('Click event score:', data));
  1. team: This callback function is triggered when the 'team' event occurs, typically when a team is clicked. The function receives the data associated with the event and logs it to the console with the message "Click team:".
smpTennisWidgets.subscribe('team', (data) => console.log('Click team:', data));
  1. player: This callback function is triggered when the 'player' event occurs, usually when a player is clicked. The function receives the data associated with the event and logs it to the console with the message "Click player:".
smpTennisWidgets.subscribe('player', (data) => console.log('Click player:', data));
  1. bettingMarketValue: This callback function is triggered when the 'bettingMarketValue' event occurs, typically when the betting market value is clicked. The function receives the data associated with the event and logs it to the console with the message "Click betting market value:".
smpTennisWidgets.subscribe('bettingMarketValue', (data) => console.log('Click betting market value:', data));
  1. competition: This callback function is triggered when the 'competition' event occurs, usually when a competition is clicked. The function receives the data associated with the event and logs it to the console with the message "Click competition:".
smpTennisWidgets.subscribe('competition', (data) => console.log('Click competition:', data));


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge" />
    <title>Static Template</title>
    <!-- Single Event Widget -->
    <!-- Livescore Widget -->
      window.onload = () => {
        smpTennisWidgets.subscribe("bettingLogo", (data) =>
          console.log("Click betting logo:", data)

        smpTennisWidgets.subscribe("event", (data) =>
          console.log("Click event score:", data)

        smpTennisWidgets.subscribe("team", (data) =>
          console.log("Click team:", data)

        smpTennisWidgets.subscribe("player", (data) =>
          console.log("Click player:", data)

        smpTennisWidgets.subscribe("bettingMarketValue", (data) =>
          console.log("Click betting market value:", data)

        smpTennisWidgets.subscribe("competition", (data) =>
          console.log("Click competition:", data)

          sdkOptions: {
            dataConfigApiUrl: "INSERT API URL",
            dataConfigApiKey: "INSERT API KEY",
            dataConfigProject: "INSERT PROGECT NAME",
            dataConfigOddClient: "INSERT ODD CLIENT",
            dataConfigTimezone: "Europe/Sofia",
            dataConfigCompetitionList: "INSERT COMPETITION LIST",
            dataConfigLang: "en"
          widgetAttributes: {
            "data-config-theme": "light",
            "data-config-entity-links": {
              player: { url: "{playerId}" },
              team: { url: "{teamId}" },
              competition: {
                url: "{competitionId}"
              standings: {
              match: {
                sort: { criteria: "alphabetically", direction: "asc" }
              configuration: {
                newWindow: true
          onLoaded: (data) => {
            console.log("loaded widget", data);

Single event
