Team profile widget
The Team profile widget provides basic and advanced statistics about a team, as well as odds information.
Bind the widget to HTML DOM
Make sure that you have the loader already set up on your website.
If not, follow our guide:
You can bind the widget to the HTML DOM by two ways:
- Bind the widget without initial options. The required attribute here is "data-widgetId"
<div data-widgetId="team"></div>
- Bind the widget with initial options. The all available options can be seen below
<div data-widgetId="team" data-options='{...}'></div>
- The optional "data-options" attribute:
int teamId: 1, // Unique identifier of the resource.
int seasonId: 1 // when it is inputed in the data-options= {}, the team statistics for the given season are displayed, otherwise the statistics for the latest season are shown.
string lang: 'en', // the language in format like: en, bg, ru and etc.
display["info", "stats", "odds"] -> A list of components to be displayed. If blank, all three options will be displayed (if available).
Available options:
- "info" - displays information about the team;
- "stats" - displays statistical information;
- "odds" - displays odds for selected eventiD if available;
market:{"name":"1x2"} -> select a market for the odds.
int[] oddProviderIds -> // A list of ids, these ids are odd provider ids. This option is responsible
// for displaying only odd providers with the ids that are added in the given array.
// If oddProviders and oddProviderIds options are both provided, the oddProviderIds option will be used only, as it is with a higher priority.
string apiURL -> // The URL of the API for football information
boolean canSelectMarkets -> // Show/Hide markets dropdown
string apiKey -> // The key for the authorization header which will be base64 encoded
int eventId, -> // Unique identifier of the resource.
string oddClient -> // Identifies the client for which to return filtered bookmakers with affiliate URLs.
// Without the parameter can not sort odd_providers or provide affiliate links.
// Instead it will sometimes give a 'coupon' key with the odds fo building URLs. header
// NB! This option is mandatory, otherwise the odds wont be displayed
displayTeamShortNamesOnDesktop: (true/false) -> // This option replaces the team name with its short name on all resolutions, if "displayTeamCustomNamesOnDesktop" is not added
displayTeamShortNamesOnMobile: (true/false) -> // This option replaces the team name with its short name on mobile resolutions, if "displayTeamCustomNamesOnMobile" is not added
displayTeamCustomNamesOnDesktop: (true/false) -> // This option replaces the team name with its custom name on all resolutions
displayTeamCustomNamesOnMobile: (true/false) -> // This option replaces the team name with its custom name on mobile resolutions
Team profile widget in the CMS
Currently, the Sportal365 CMS offers a variety of football widgets to enable creators to add sports-specific statistics and context to their articles, videos, or galleries.
Adding Team profile widget in Blocky
To display basic team information (founded date, league, coach, stadium, country, and social media):
- Enter your desired team in the Team field, select a Season and then Save block.
To display _advanced team information (_team wins, matches played, losses, points, and so on):
- Select the Display statistics option and then Save block.
To complement the information you provide about a team with odds:
- Select the Display odds option.
- When the Odds data panel appears, select a Match and Bookmaker.
Note that displaying odds with the Team profile widget follows the same logic and steps of the Odds widget.
Video Example
Updated over 2 years ago