Player profile widget


The Player profile widget is the same as the Team widget, but for players. It provides basic and advanced statistics about a player, as well as odds information. Also, you can filter statistics by team/tournament/season.

Bind the widget to HTML DOM


Make sure that you have the loader already set up on your website.
If not, follow our guide:

You can bind the widget to the HTML DOM by two ways:

  • Bind the widget without initial options. The required attribute here is "data-widgetId"
    <div data-widgetId="player"></div>
  • Bind the widget with initial options. All available options can be seen below
    <div data-widgetId="player" data-options='{...}'></div>
  • The optional "data-options" attribute:
        int playerId: 1,          // Unique identifier of the resource.
        int teamId: 2434          // Unique identifier of the resource.
        int tournamentId: 5       // Unique identifier of the resource.
        int tournamentSeasonId: 5 // Unique identifier of the resource.
        strin lang: 'en',         // the language in format like: en, bg, ru and etc.
        string theme: '',         // Brand theme
        string expand: null,      // Specifies additional information to include with the Team response
        boolean canSelectMarkets -> // Show/Hide markets dropdown
        int eventId: 365689       // Unique identifier
        string oddClient,
        oddProviderIds: [43,5,33,154] // specify available odd providers by their ID
        obj market: {"name":"1x2"}// Specify default market for odds
        display: ['odds', 'info', 'stats'] // array of sting to identify are odds and stats shown in player profile widget
        displayTeamShortNamesOnDesktop: (true/false)  -> // This option replaces the team name with its short name on all resolutions, if "displayTeamCustomNamesOnDesktop" is not added
        displayTeamShortNamesOnMobile: (true/false)  -> // This option replaces the team name with its short name on mobile resolutions, if "displayTeamCustomNamesOnMobile" is not added
        displayTeamCustomNamesOnDesktop: (true/false)  -> // This option replaces the team name with its custom name on all resolutions
        displayTeamCustomNamesOnMobile: (true/false)  -> // This option replaces the team name with its custom name on mobile resolutions

Player profile widget in the CMS

Currently, the Sportal365 CMS offers a variety of football widgets to enable creators to add sports-specific statistics and context to their articles, videos, or galleries.

Adding Player profile widget in blocky

The Player profile widget always displays basic information about a player such as positions, year of birth, country, height, etc.

  1. To add only basic information about a player, enter your desired player in the Player field, and select Save block.

  2. If you want to add advanced information about a player and odds about upcoming matches of a player’s team, select the Display statistics and Display odds options.

Video example