Event Bus Integration

Event bus integration

Our event bus adapter pushes all updates from the Sportal365 Content API to the Ringier Event Bus endpoint.

The currently supported resources in the CMS which can be pushed are:

  • Article
  • Video
  • Gallery

Enabling the feature

To enable the feature please email support with the following details for every Sportal365 project:

  • Authentication details generated by the Bus Admin:
    • Node Id
    • Username
    • Password
  • Whether to push all historical data for Articles,Videos and Galleries to the bus.

Note: The configuration is pretty quick, but the historical push might take some time depending on how much data the project has.

The push is not required and the integration will work with only newly created data after the setup.

Setting the Resource URL

The Sportal365 CMS does not know how URLs are generated on the web frontend, but they are required to take advantage of the Event Bus.

Without setting the URL the CMS will still push data to the bus, but with an empty url field.

There are two possible ways to get the URLs into the CMS.


This can be achieved by editing a specific Gallery/Video/Article which should be pushed to the Event Bus.

The field which needs to be set is Canonical URL in the URLs section of the sidebar.

Canonical URL


The automation requires implementation from the developers responsible for the web frontend.

The steps are the following

  1. If not enabled already email support to set a Webhook for the project
  2. The CMS will start pushing the full Article/Video/Gallery object for every CMS update.
  3. Create an implementation which checks if the urls.canonical_url field in the webhook payload is set to what the URL on the website should be.
    1. In case it is set do nothing. Important: if this is not properly implemented we will have an infinite loop of PATCH requests.
    2. In case it is not create a PATCH request to /{resource_type}/{id}.

Example Request for Article

PATCH /articles/2023072812391101495

    "canonical_url": "http://test.com/article/2023072812391101495"